
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Uŋčí Makhá Park 2024: another winter, more echinoderms

Two years after opening, Uŋčí Makhá Park can be considered a paleontological gem in the Twin Cities. With its Magnolia Member bedding planes, side cuts through the Magnolia and Carimona, easy access, and lack of vehicle traffic, it's nigh-on perfect for getting in touch with St. Paul as it was about 454–453 million years ago. It's kind of like our own Carnegie Quarry wall, except it's tiny marine invertebrates rather than dinosaurs, it probably wasn't planned, and you can walk right out over it. It's always fun to get to spend time there for work, and like last year, I got the opportunity to assist with a training session for Mississippi National River & Recreation Area seasonals there. Then, of course, I just had to make a quick return trip later to follow up on some things we'd seen.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Your Friends The Titanosaurs: Titanomachya gimenezi

2024 has been productive for titanosaurs. Not counting other titano-centric publications, there have already been (potentially) three new genera and species. For number 3, we head back to the familiar land of Patagonia in Argentina, although in this case our new guest represents an Upper Cretaceous formation with no previous named titanosaurs (which seems like a real oddity these days). Titanomachya gimenezi is also decidedly non-titanic for a titanosaur, hanging out down in the saltasaur neighborhood.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Your Friends The Titanosaurs: Udelartitan celeste

Today's new entrant is actually a former briefly featured coming attraction coming off the board, the fourth such coming attraction to have arrived. It is also the first classic dinosaur to be named from Uruguay, which is the first new country added since Ecuador with Yamanasaurus lojaensis a few years back. (2020 if you insist on paper, 2019 if you just want to get it over with. Also, of course, that was a titanosaur too!) So, with that introduction, we welcome Udelartitan celeste.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

A Brief Digression on the Art of Identifying Fossils

If you let it get around that you have some knowledge of fossils, inevitably somebody is going to ask you to identify something. I'm sure everyone in this position has the usual gripes about "dinosaur eggs" or "dinosaur hearts" or "dinosaur skulls" that are really just regular humble rocks viewed through bifocals of hope and inexperience. The only skills and resources needed here are tact and diplomacy, to work the conversation in such a way that it comes to an expedient close without unnecessarily cheesing off the hopeful inquirer (and recognizing that sometimes it's just not possible to have a productive interaction with somebody who insists they have dinosaur eggs).

Then there's the real thing. I get a few requests for identification every month, sometimes through work, sometimes submitted by blog readers to my email. This can be a challenge, especially for work, since the National Park Service can boast an impressive sweep of geologic time and diversity of fossils. I can be looking at photos of Devonian marine invertebrates one week and Cenozoic plant fossils the next. Then, of course, there's dealing with the fossils I find; I've had several in the past few months that were clearly something of interest but were also outside of my experience. It's been a long, long time since someone could be familiar with every kind of described fossil. What is one to do?

If identifying fossils is something that interests you beyond picking up a few names, you can learn from fossil and rockhound communities (online and in person). You're also going to be in for some self-teaching. Fossil identification has never been a huge field and has dwindled (for one thing, biostratigraphy is no longer as important for industry). Whether identifying fossils for someone else or yourself, the first thing you'll want is references with lots of good pictures. A good field guide to fossils, like the National Audubon Society's version, is a handy starter to at least get you into the correct phylum. Many times, that's all you need or want; for groups that require thin sections to identify, or groups where you get a lot of internal casts, "bryozoan" or "snail" is often enough, maybe with some morphological jargon. Depending on how much attention people have given your local rocks, there may be specialist books (like this one), online guides, or both. A "Roadside Geology"-type book may also be helpful in providing background information on your rock formations, which is useful for figuring out more specialized publications. (Or sometimes not, if people can't agree on what to call the rocks!) Similarly, if you are interested in specific kinds of fossils (e.g., shark teeth), there may be dedicated references available.

A few other observations:

  • A lot of things simply aren't identifiable very far: too weathered, too fragmented, too much covered by matrix, weird cross-sectional view, etc. That's just the breaks.
  • Photos in field guides and other sources are generally of the best specimens, with museum-quality preparation. The average person is probably not going to be that lucky and probably doesn't have access to those skills. This is something that needs to be taken into account when making identifications. When I work on paleontological resource inventories, I like to include "typical" images of fossils so park staff will have a better idea of what to expect.
  • Good photos and illustrations are not available for every species (especially older names in areas where not much work has been done), and what is out there will not generally cover every potential view.
  • A further complication when hunting reference images is changes in taxonomy. For some groups (I'm thinking especially of brachiopods at the moment), species have switched genera several times. To further complicate things, not all authors will catch on, and some will simply disagree. Hardcore identification may require becoming familiar with name changes, because the images you need to find may be under an unexpected name. This is, needless to say, very frustrating.
  • Unless you've gotten involved in high-stakes fossil identification, there's no shame in revising identifications as you get more experience. When you start off, you'll have a natural bias to identify things in terms of the first things you learned to identify. You may also tend to identify things as more rare or unusual options, or make identifications to genus or species when you'd be better off sticking at a higher level, or have other biases due to inexperience. When I started with Decorah fossils, I had a hard time with trilobites and basically pretended they didn't exist until I got an eye for them. (A little bit of the buried edge of a small ribbed brachiopod shell can look a lot like the margin of a buried pygidium, especially when you don't know what you're doing.) Similarly, despite what this blog might suggest, it took me a long time to get an eye for stromatolites.
  • It's good to know about common types of pseudofossils, especially if your area has a particular specialty.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Stromatolites in situ

A few weeks ago, during the elongated-dry-autumn-with-long-nights that has been substituted for winter in these parts this year, I visited a stromatolite patch in the Prairie du Chien Group and took the usual digital heap of photographs. The photos aren't quite as sharp as I would have liked, but they show a variety of aspects of stromatolites both up close and in situ, unlike the usual circumstances of getting only one of those two properties.

First off, here's a general idea of what we're dealing with:

Click to embiggen, as usual; the thing about stromatolites is sometimes they're more apparent at a distance, and sometime they're more apparent when your nose is practically on them. In this photo, there are columns a couple of centimeters across in the lower part, leading to a small shelf with a knobbly surface representing the tops of said columns, followed by an interval of more obscure growth.

The prolific interval was up to about three quarters of a meter thick, with some significant variation, microbial mounds not being big on standardization. Within this interval it was possible to see where a mound's growth had been cut off, or changes between narrow columns and broader stacks.

Here we have a broad mound of numerous coalesced small centers that is cut off starkly about two-thirds of the way up the photo.

Another example where there appears to be discontinuity between the growth lower in the photo and that in the upper part.

This tall mound is fairly broad at the base, then goes into narrower columns, then appears to show column consolidation near the top.

Part of why the photos may have lacked some clarity is the weathering of the surfaces (and the bright light). The stromatolites had a sort of artistic appearance in places, a bit like fingerprints in rock. I could see paintings of these done with heavy strokes to emphasize the tactile appearance of weathering layers.

There's a certain melted quality to this exposure.

I'm not sure what happened here, but this one looks like it's breaking up (and there seems to be a big rounded pebble in the upper left).

Another interesting feature was the occasional exposure of the top surface of a stromatolitic interval. Given the preponderance of smallish columns, it should not come as a surprise that such surfaces are knobbly.

A close look will reveal the more or less concentric layers of individual columns that have been truncated by weathering.

Finally, here's a surface showing columns that apparently grew out laterally. We usually think of the original microbial colonies growing vertically, to reach the light, but again microbial mounds aren't big on standardization, and will grow as conditions influence them. (Or maybe this mound was simply knocked over at some point; unfortunately, we're missing most of it.)

Preservation is different in this one as well, with layers still being evident but expressed less colorfully.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Finding waterfalls

A couple of months back, a friend pointed out a news items covering a slot canyon in Crosby Farm Park, so we decided to see if we could find it. We were successful in locating what's also called Homer's Odyssey (must be a pun based on the proximity to Homer Street), and it turned out to be one of the most unusual natural features of the Twin Cities. It's certainly worth a visit the next time you're in the park, although I can imagine it could be difficult to access during a year when it rains more than once every three months or so.

Approaching the entrance.

Looking back through the slot.

Inside the feature, which is kind of like a tall roughly cylindrical void.

Looking up at the top.

The canyon is almost like someone took a knife and cut straight down. Granted, it's not as if fresh St. Peter Sandstone shows much in the way of resistance to erosion, but I do wonder if there was a pre-existing weakness that focused this erosion so narrowly. Maybe there were voids in the sandstone or something similar?

Active waterfalls, waterfalls reduced to a trickle, and former waterfalls are scattered all over the Twin Cities metro. Some former falls, like the one in Cottage Grove Ravine Park or the abandoned falls northeast of Minnehaha Falls, have been high and dry for a long time due to the loss of their water source in the mists of time, but many have lost their flow due to drainage control measures in the past 150 years or so. Some could be reanimated with different priorities, while others have been buried or destroyed.

And even the best of them sometimes get caught short in droughts, as Minnehaha Falls shows in early October 2022.

Even beyond the named falls, there are many small-scale unnamed or obscure features. If you're looking to find some for yourself, you can often guess general areas to look from topo maps: look for valleys crossing steep contours. That's a telltale sign that a creek once crossed a bluff, or something similar. Or, if you'd rather try immediate adventure, get on one of the gorge trails (e.g., the Winchell Trail in Minneapolis or the unnamed goat path equivalents on the St. Paul side) and just keep your eyes open; they're there.

The falls in the Grotto, exiting the University of St. Thomas.

This is on the Minneapolis side, just across from E 36th Street. I've never heard that this one had a name, so it may well not have been doing more than a trickle when Minneapolis was developed, but it would have been substantial at one time.

Another area is south of Minnehaha Park, in the Coldwater Spring/dog park area. There is a secluded active waterfall southeast of Coldwater that has cut a modest slot in the St. Peter; again I'm not sure if it has a widely circulating name. Novelty Falls on the bluffs north of the dog park is very difficult to notice when the falls aren't falling; observation of the bluffs suggests there are several other places that may get mini-falls if there is a lot of rain or meltwater. Marks of water erosion at the top of the bluffs and water-worn hollows at the base will show you where flow has occurred.

A close view, low and up into the chute of the Coldwater waterfall. It's rather more impressive in person, as it tends to photograph poorly due to the confines of the site and the limited foot space. (Note that this area below the bluff has a tendency to become a respectable swamp following anything stronger than a light rain.)

Novelty Falls itself wasn't running in November, but these bluffs are very interesting!

They are also present on the south side of the Mississippi; for example, the Brickyard trail in Lilydale Regional Park passes right by one:

Here pictured during one of the few days this "winter" when there was snow on the ground.

(And yes, I am well aware that this blog has never covered the Brickyard...)

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Your Friends The Titanosaurs: Gandititan cavocaudatus?

Here we are, already through January of 2024, and clearly we are not starting out like 2023, where the entire month had nary a new dinosaur. Today's entrant was the third of five announced in January 2024 (a couple of weeks ago, actually). You may notice the question mark in the post title; although described as a basal titanosaurian, Gandititan cavocaudatus fits a certain "type" of sauropod (mid-Cretaceous East Asian titanosauriform) that delights in phylogenetic instability. This to me is a subtle signal that something is going on we don't understand yet, so I'd best hedge my bets. So, maybe it's a titanosaur, maybe it isn't, but at any rate it's worth an introduction.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Parks Stewardship Forum: National Park Service Paleontology

For the past year, my supervisor Vincent Santucci and I have been assisting the preparation of a group of articles on National Park Service paleontology for Parks Stewardship Forum. We've assembled seventeen articles from various contributors on a variety of topics and parks, covering aspects of inventory, monitoring, research, and curation, from semitechnical to technical (the Florissant and John Day articles are the most technical, if you're concerned about that). Our issue has now gone live, and you can read and download each of the articles here. I hope you find something you like!

The cover comes from one of my pet projects, the paleontology of George Washington Birthplace National Monument (for which I contributed an article).

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Cottage Grove cystoid

I recently paid a return visit to the site in Cottage Grove where I'd previously spotted a few blocks with brachiopods/etc. of the typical Platteville persuasion. While there, a few true outcrops were visible under the snow-free conditions of the so-called winter of December 2023, confirming that the Platteville is indeed at the surface and not just present as lag or buried under a bad toupee of soil and glacial debris. More significant was one of the blocks. See if you can spot what drew my attention:

Any ideas?

How about if we go in closer on the area of interest?

If you answered something along the lines of "the thing near the center that looks kind of like a truncated letter K", you've won! I snapped a couple of pictures thinking it might be echinoderm in origin and moved on. Later, upon reviewing the photos, the rectangular bit below it caught my eye; that definitely looked echinoderm. In fact, there is only one kind of thing it could belong to, as proclaimed by the chevron arrangement of slots on it surface. This is a plate from a rhombiferan cystoid bearing a pore rhomb in a pectinirhomb configuration. ("Of course!" you shout.) (Okay, so I looked up the anatomical terminology). Basically, the slots are vents for the animal's water circulation system.

This rock was obviously a good candidate for further study and photography, so I took some more photos with the hope of doing some taxonomy. Further inspection revealed a couple sharply ridged features similar to the "K", but more weathered.

There's a pretty well-developed one in the upper right, and one that is more poorly exposed near the left side.

When I first noticed the "K", I thought it might be ridges on a crinoid plate, but local crinoid plates don't usually have such sharp ridges. Instead, it turns out that there is a Platteville cystoid that does, Coronocystis durandensis. Coincidentally, this particular cystoid also has pore rhombs that are a good match for the pore rhomb plate on this rock (see photos in Kolata 2021).

Here close-up and with a tiny drip of water applied. There is also a gray rectangular ridge visible near the right border that I suspect to be another plate, but it's not as well-exposed.

I hesitate to make a firm identification from the available material, but it certainly appears that we have Coronocystis or something very similar. Coronocystis is interpreted as a stalked rhombiferan cystoid, unlike its free-thrashing cousin Pleurocystities (which does pore rhombs differently and has softer ridges). I interpret the block as from the Mifflin Member of the Platteville, but I suppose it could be higher. Whatever the exact identification at the genus or species level, this is clearly a rhombiferan cystoid, and the first I've ever seen in the field (and I'm pretty sure the first record from Cottage Grove). Plus, the several bits suggest a disarticulated but fairly associated specimen.


Kolata, D. R. 2021. Fossils of the Upper Ordovician Platteville Formation in the upper Midwest USA: an overview. Illinois State Geological Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois. Bulletin 108.