Sunday, June 30, 2024

Your Friends The Titanosaurs: Tiamat valdecii

I've been remiss in getting to our latest titanosaur, in part because I was busy with other projects and in part because it took a while to get a copy of the paper. A side visit to the University of Michigan library system after conference hours solved the second issue, so without further ado I present Tiamat valdecii.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Campus fossils of the University of Michigan

For the previous week I was attending the North American Paleontological Convention, held this year in Ann Arbor, Michigan by the University of Michigan. While walking and wandering on the campus, it became clear that many of the buildings include fossiliferous rock, so I began to look for interesting examples.

Like that. That's interesting. (coin in all examples with coins is a US quarter)